Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Edgar Lawrence Pryor History

Edgar Lawrence Pryor was born 9 June 1877 in Victoria, Marion Tennessee to Pleasant Marion Pryor and Esther Cowan. He is a twin to Edwin Adams Pryor.

Served in the Spanish American War.

Died on 24 December 1927 after receiving massive internal injuries after being hit by a truck. 


Sequatchie Valley News February 13, 1897
Camp 7, Sons of Veterans, elected officers on Friday as follows:
Capt., W.S. Pryor; 1st Lieut., L. S. Baumgartner; 2nd Lieut., John Presnell; 1st Sergt., W. G. Hill;Q-M., Edgar Pryor O.G., J.A. Skiles; Chaplain, S.P. Pryor.

1897- After his mother died (27 July 1897) he  and Edwin had to moved out her house and lived with his brother Matthew. His brother William Sheridan went to live with his sister Sarah because there was an estate sale. His mother may have owed back taxes.

There was a public sale on Saturday and the Pryor effects were dispose of Mr. S.P. Pryor goes to Pikeville for a year, W.S. Pryor will board with (his sister) Mr. and Mrs. V Lasater, and Edgar and Edwin will live with their brother Matthew.

Sequatchie Valley News May 19,1898
Sequachee leads the Valley. Edgar L. Pryor left this Thursday morning to join his brother Edwin, who has enlisted in the 3rd Tennessee Infantry. This is the first town to supply twins for military duty. 
December 22 1898
Edgar Pryor, of the 3rd Tennessee volunteers, U.S.A. was home on a furlough Friday and was shaking with all the boys. He reported all the boys well except Sam Cowan who in hospital, and says everyone is tired of soldiering, and want to don civilian's garb once more. He returned Monday

News paper Ad read
The Famous Niagara Grape from the Sequachee, Vineyards, which took the First Prize at the CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION at Nashville, Tennessee, 1897
Vines raised from cuttings now ready for delivery. It is proved to be the Best Grape for this section
20,000 for $3.00 per 100
in lots less than 50,....5 cents each

News paper Born to Mr and Mrs Edgar L. Pryor of Chattanooga a fine girl, Mother and child are doing well, Edgar is all smiles but he thought a boy would have been better.

Sequatchie Valley News  August 24, 1905
Left for Utah
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Wagner and family left Friday evening on the "Cannonball" for Chattanooga, where they where joined by Edgar L. Pryor and family and left Monday for Salt Lake City, Utah, near where three of their children are already comfortably located. The Wagoners had always been known for industry, and we have not the slightest doubt that they will do well in their new home. We were very sorry to see them leave as they have the sturdy qualities that, if given a chance, comprise the town-builder. "Chris"  will take up his old trade of carpenter, at which he is an A-1 workman, and "Edgar" will make patterns,in a foundry. The distance the party will travel is only 2,700 miles, or four days and nights travel, and a single fare costs $50, consequently it will cost in a neighborhood of $400 to get the party to Utah. 

The News will publish in a few weeks a letter from Mr Wagner replying to the many inquires of friends regarding the country, its conditions and resources.

The continued unfavorable seasons, for fruit and vegetables raising in this section is largely responsible for their move. They depended on the production of fruits and vegetables to make a living on their mountain place six miles west of here, but for the past three years the crops have been cut off by frost or drought nearly one-half. This year the majority of the fruit winter-killed, and three successive frosts during the spring finished up the balance, even the wild blackberries which are supposed to be exceptionally hardy, were killed. Hence prospects were very discouraging, and they resolved on a move. We hope they find what they seek in their new location, and will have a full measure of success.

In the party were Mr. and Mrs. Chris Wagner, Miss Edith Wagner, and Rilla, (Marilla) Ruth, Esther, Ed, Ben, George and Maude Wagner, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Pryor, and children Annie and Ruth.

841 West 6th Street South. A letter to Editor 11 November 1920
Sequachee Next to Heaven
Editor News:
Enclosed find $1.50 for another year's subscription to the News, The news keeps us informed of the happenings of that part of the world. As you remember, I was married at Sequachee and our oldest girl was born there. It has been eighteen years since we were residents of Sequachee, but we have not forgotten the place nor the people there.
Fifteen years ago we arrived in Salt Lake. Our girls that where born in Tennessee, have grown to womanhood, and one of them, Ruth, is now Mrs Falkner having married the 25th of August. Since coming here we have won neither fame nor fortune, but have made a living.
Just between you and me and the gatepost, I like Sequachee the best of all. Of course, when I die, I want to go to Heaven, but if I can't go there I want to go there, I want to go to Sequatchie.
with best wishes for your success and happiness, I am,
Sincerely, E.L. Pryor 
841 West 6th Street, South
Salt Lake City, Utah

Desert News 24 Dec. 1927
Skidding Auto kills S.L. man
Edgar died from injured suffered in an automobile crash Saturday Afternoon (Christmas eve)

E.L.Pryor, 50, was critically injured and his son Lawrence 12, was also injured when they were struck by a delivery truck. while crossing the fourth North Viaduct this afternoon.

Mr Pryor suffered a broken pelvis and probably other internal injuries. He was taken to the emergency hospital then later moved to D.R. hospital. The Lad suffered a deep laceration on the scalp, cut on the face, and five broken teeth. After treatment at the emergency hospital he was taken to his home.

The accident happened as Mr. Pryor and his son were walking west and the truck was traveling east, when it skidded and stuck the two pedestrians
Mr Pryor and his son live on 8 west 6th south.

Sequatchie Valley News December 27, 1927
Obituary was in a Tennessee newspaper stating he died from an accident with no particulars. he served in Co. I. 3rd Tenn. Reg. of Volunteer Infantry during the Spanish-American War. He was the son of Pleasant and Esther Pryor of Sequachee Valley. He was survived by his wife Ricki Wagner Pryor and seven Children. Two sisters Mrs Sarah Lasater El Paso Texas and Mrs Susan Gott of Chattanooga; five brothers Edwin, Matthew T. and Wm. S. Pryor of Chattanooga, A. K. Pryor of Whitwell, and Rev. S. P. Pryor of New Market Ala. Interment will take place Wednesday in Salt Lake City. Mr Pryor left Tennessee over twenty years ago, and has been a resident of Salt Lake City ever since.


1880 census he was age 2 living with parents in district 4 Marion co. Tennessee.

1900 census he was living with his brother Matthew. He worked as a molder in a brass factory. he was age 22.

1910 Utah census
Lawrence is the head of household living in Garfield, Salt Lake, Utah. He is 32 years old and works at a Copper Mill as a molder. Ricki is his wife and is 25. Children living in household are: Anna 8, Ruth 6, and Bessie 8 months Renting a home at 103 Garfield St,Salt Lake City.

1920 Utah Census
Lawrence is head of house hold, age 43, works as an Iron molder for an Iron and steel co. Ricki is his wife age 35. The Children living at home are; Anna P. 18 works as a seamstress for a Taylor co. Ruth 17 sales clerk for a grocery, Bessie G. age 10, Lawrence age 3, and Lucile age 2. He owned his own home.


Military Pension records He served in Tenn 3rd Infantry. Spanish American War Vet. there are 3 payments made 8-11-26, 1-26-29, & 7-2-32. last to his widow

World War I Registration card. He was 41 years old worked as an Iron Moulder for Oregon Short Line RR. He was of Medium height, had blue eyes and dark brown hair. Next of kin is his wife Ella Dated 12 Sep 1918. His address was 841 West 6th south Salt Lake city.

City directories

1904 & 1905 Chattanooga city directories
Edgar lived at 733 Boyce and worked for Gustafson Manufacturing co. located at Vulcan and Boyce St. as a pattern maker.

Moved to SLC and found in the City Directories
1912 he lived at 439 Goshen and was a Molder
1913 & 1914 he lived at 532 Glen and was a molder for Silver Brothers
1915 he lives at 857 Arapahoe ave. Molder
1925 lives at 841 West 6th south and employed by S L Iron & Steel Co.owns this home.


Death certificate stated he died at the LDS hospital of massive internal injuries. He was age 50. He worked at American Foundry as an Iron moulder.

There was a coroners inquirer date 12-28-1927 3rd district court.
Salt Lake cemetery record of the dead 1299165 Pryor Edgar Lawerce age 50 died from a Hemmerorrhy LDS hospital Bur. 28 Dec 1927 M-10-13 west tier

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